Work For Equity Program

Q & A

What are the qualifications?

You must have the ability to complete repairs such as painting, installing cabinets, minor plumbing, replacing rotten wood, etc. You must also pay rent during this process and have credit and income suitable to acquire financing. This doesn’t mean your credit has to be good, but it does mean not everyone will get approved.

How do I pay for repairs?

A list of repairs will be presented to you prior to any commitment from you. These will be the repairs needed for permanent funding. You may wish to do more than what is on this list, but the list must be completed first. You must fund the cost of the materials for the first phase. You’ll be reimbursed once these materials are properly installed and inspected. You should have at least $500-$1,000 available to begin the process, in addition to the first month’s rent. The repair list will be divided into a maximum of four phases. Each inspection will be done at your request after each phase is completed.

You’ll be reimbursed for materials and hard costs only. You must keep your receipts and give them to the inspector. We’re aware some items won’t have a receipt because you’re buying used materials or using paint purchased earlier, etc. In these cases, the inspector will allow a reasonable cost reimbursement to help you fund the next phase. You will not be reimbursed for any items not on the repair schedule.

What if l can pay for my own repairs? If so, you’ll be able to buy the home considerably cheaper. If you feel this is your best option, be sure to discuss it with us up front to determine your savings.

How long do I have to get the work completed?

The time for repairs will be agreed upon on a case-by­ case basis depending on the number of repairs needed and your personal situation. No repair schedule will exceed three months and most are done in considerably less time.

When will I be given possession?

Possession will be delivered immediately.

We do not have any homes that you can move into without money or commitment on your part.


You will be responsible for turning on utilities in your name.

How much equity will I get?

The purchase price will be set up front allowing you more than adequate consideration for your participation. You’ll receive a lot more equity in the home than what your labor would cost. The price will be well below the after repair value and we’ll add our cost of materials to that price before applying for permanent financing. That way you control the final price. The less you spend on repairs, the lower the price. If you pay for your own repairs, you can expect an even lower price. The discount will be determined based on the degree of work the home needs. You must agree on the price in advance and all facts will be covered in detail and be in writing. No surprises!

Who pays for insurance?

We’ll insure the dwelling until you become the owner. Our policy will not cover your contents, but it will cover any renovations whether paid for by you or us. You should insure your contents and in some cases you may be required to buy some liability insurance.

Who pays for taxes?

We’ll pay the taxes until you purchase the home.

How long will I have to purchase?

That’s a case-by-case answer. Some folks purchase right away, others take months. It depends on your needs and ability to get permanent financing. Sometimes our buyers must live in the home for 6 – 12 months to show a pattern of prompt rent payments to the lender. Other times the loan process is started while the work is in progress. Sometimes we finance the home ourselves permanently and no other lenders are needed. We’ll look at what your needs are and structure financing to suit. You’ll know all these answers up front.

What if I do the repairs and can’t get a loan?

Our objective is to sell the home, not rent it long term. You live up to your agreement and complete the repairs and pay rent on time, you will be approved for permanent financing. Again, all these details will be discussed up front and agreed upon in writing by both parties. Since we own the homes, we’re very flexible and willing to make it work.

If there’s a big problem, we’ll know it up front. Of course, we can’t be responsible for your financial situation after you take possession of the house. A loss of income or future credit problems can prevent you from qualifying for a loan, but even then we’ll help you work it out as long as you pay the rent and keep your promises.

What do I do next?

If you haven’t already, please fill out our short Next Step form.